Don’t forget anyone wanting items from my etsy shop for Christmas
today is the last day for 2nd class post and Friday for 1st
class. I will be going to the post office about 4pm today and will post any
orders I have for readymade items. Any small orders 1 or 2 items made to order order
to day I will get finished to go in Fridays
post. Merry Christmas to all my customers old and new.

Wednesday, 18 December 2013
Sunday, 15 December 2013
Sorry I have not had time to update you all on what I have
been up to but then I have not had time to do anything on my properties not
even any Christmas decorations in the bay this year. Hopefully if I get time I will
organise some sort of Christmas event in the village hall. I have been so busy
with my etsy shop I made the 1000 sales I was hoping for by the end of the year
and I think I am on about 1080 so I am very happy about that. The shop has been
made for the last 4 or 5 weeks and is just slowing down now as it is getting to
the last posting dates for most places to arrive by Christmas. It’s been hard
work but I am so happy it as gone so well. I am planning to give my work room a
good clean and tidy over Christmas reedy for the New Year. I think things will
be a bit quieter over the next few weeks so I really want to do some work on my
property’s and get the bay looking like a nice place to vest again everything
is just in a mess right now after having to move and lose some of the properties
and it makes me sad seeing them like that so I am going to find the time to
sort them.
Friday, 22 November 2013
It’s less than 5 weeks to Christmas so if you want to get
items from my shop before Christmas you need to order especially made to order
items. The postal serves gets busy and things take longer to arrive so get your
orders in fast., 10 November 2013
I cannot believe how long it’s been sins I have been on hear
I have not got any further with the B&B still need to find the fabric to do
the large bedroom and decide on colours for the dining room. But when I was
thinking about the dining room I thought I am going to need food so I got the
fimo out to have a go at making a breakfast. I made the breakfast but then I got into making food so not for
the B&B but just because I was having fun I made spaghetti bolognas and garlic
bread then Christmas dinner and cakes being made so after all that I thought a nice
light salad was what was needed.
Monday, 14 October 2013
Saturday, 12 October 2013
Nothing done on the B&B again I have order the cushions
for the 3rd bedroom so they should arrive next week but still not
found fabric for the bedding or chosen a
bed I am struggling with this room bit. The
shop has been busy but quieted down a bit now got all my orders out and got
some of the items that had sold out bake in the shop so now I need to come up
with some new things to add. I need to spend some time sorting my real house as
my daughter gets bake from her summer in Ibiza in 3 weeks and right now she has
no bedroom. I have started painting some furniture for her as she as always
wanted an old fashioned bedroom set but painted and given a shabby chic look. I
started about 2 months ago and then it just stopped its much easier doing dolls
house size.
Monday, 30 September 2013
It’s been a funny weekend in my etsy shop I noticed on Thursday
night I was on 799 sales so got exited waiting for 800 well I did not get it on
Thursday nothing Friday nothing Saturday waited all day Sunday and at last it
came on Sunday night followed by more so was on 806 then this morning more again
so now I am on 812 funny how that happens you wait days and then lots at
ones. It would be great if I could get
to 1000 by the end of the year. I want to add some new items but just now I am not have much Luke coming
up with ideas I had a play with a couple of things but was not happy with them I
suppose the ideas are like the sales nothing then I will get lots all at the
same time. Well I suppose I should get to work on my orders hope everyone has
had a good weekend.
Wednesday, 25 September 2013
B&B update
I suppose I should update you all on what has been happening
at the B&B work is going very well one bedroom the small single room on the
top floor is nearly finished and work has started on the shabby chic style double
room and the bathroom both also on the top floor . The entrance hall as I desk
so guests can check and a nice seat where they can sit and rest with a table
full of information on all the local places to go.
Sunday, 25 August 2013
Sumer is coming to an end sadly I love summer but I am thinking of this week as the last week of summer. I was away a few days last week and no more holidays this year we do usually fit in a last trip to Cornwall in September but not this year. I plan to spend tomorrow cleaning out my work room sorting all the stock and getting organised. Last year September October and November where very busy months for my etsy shop and I am hoping they will be again. I am going to try and get some Christmas items made for the shop. I am also planning on getting my B&B done I have been trying to find wallpaper and just cud not find what I wanted but I have decided I am painting it all white and if I find the right paper for each room I will just do 1 feature wall. I want to add lots of detail to every room and pictures on the walls so I think this will work better with white walls. So with that decided work will start this week and hopefully it will be finished in time for the start of next year’s summer season. I found a seller on etsy selling the most wonderful cushions and I think I will use some in each room this will be the start of colour and style of the rooms. Funny how you can search for ages to get the right style for a room and then a small thing like a cushion or a vase or even a picture can be the perfect thing and you can build everything ells in the room around it. Hope everyone has had a good summer and had lovely holidays by the sea and if you are planning for next year there is going to be a brand new B&B in st Pirans bay.
Friday, 23 August 2013
Tuesday, 13 August 2013
Sunday, 11 August 2013
There is a dolls house faire at dolls house fair at The Petwood Hotel in Woodhall Spa LN10 6QG . On Sunday the 18th
August. If any one is going pleas come
and say hello. If anyone has not been before give it ago it is a nice fare in a lovely hotel with
some lovely seller selling a mix of all kinds of dolls house items.
Saturday, 10 August 2013
not a lot of work has been done in the bay the B&B has been striped ready to start building and a bit of work trying the layout for the other building being renovated it will be general store and fish shop on ground floor with café/ restraint over fish shop and hairdressers over the store and the top floor will be a small one bedroom flat.
Sunday, 23 June 2013
Well I had a lovely few days in Cornwall with my 3 year old granddaughter
who just wanted to be in the sea all the time don’t know where she gets that
from. The weather was lovely most of the time and it was a very relaxing brake where
we did not do a lot except lay on the beach or by the pool and visited a few of
our favourite places to eat out. So now I am bake home and I really need to get
to work the shop needs more items as stoke is low just now and I need to come
up with some new ideas. I would also like to find time to start working on the
B&B it all needs decorating and some new walls built.
Saturday, 8 June 2013
Just to let all my customers know I will be away from home
from the 17 June to the 22 June my Etsy shop will stay open and you can still
order I will try and visit my shop most days to answer any questions but
nothing will be posted until Monday the 24th June. So if there is anything
you need quickly get your orders in I will post all items bought from now until
the morning of the 14th on the 14th.
Friday, 31 May 2013
The B&B has been stripped out reedy for the building
work to start it does not look very exiting just now but I am hoping to start building
walls and decorating very soon. On the ground floor will be the entrance hall
and breakfast room on the first floor a double room with Ensuite Shower room and
a small double room and on the second floor two single rooms and a bathroom
well that’s the plane I will see how it goes when I start. I am hoping to make
a complete new front for the building as well.
If the renovation of the B&B works out ok I have another
house the same and I will redo that one as well as there are a few things I want
to do and don’t have properties to do it. It will be split in to two shops on
the ground floor a general store and a fish and chip shop above the general
store will be a hairdresser and above the fish shop a cafe on the top floor a
think I will just do a small apartment.
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