Sunday, 28 April 2013

Happy Brthday to my Etsy shop

I have spent most of the day cleaning my work room and putting things away if you could see it you would find it hard to believe this is it when it’s tidy. A year ago it was a lovely room where I kept my dolls houses my husband kept his DVD collection and PlayStation. It had a sofa bed so could be used as a second gest room or somewhere quiet and cosy to read a book. Then one year ago tomorrow I opened my etsy shop. As I got more items the DVDs and PlayStation had to go. As the shop got busier and I had to find room for paint fabric beads fimo paper and lots more things the sofa had to go. Now it has selves and drawers everywhere a desk that is covered in paint. How things have changed when I first opened the shop I did not have big planes and did not do a lot I slowly added more things and started getting regular sales then last October I gave up my day job. I had been unhappy with lots of things at work and had health problems at the time it was a hard thing to do but looking bake it was one of the best things I have done. I had more time for the shop so sales really picked up and I have done a few fares. I still need it build the busyness some more for me to not have to think about looking for another job but it is doing ok and if it keeps improving like it has I will not have to go bake to a day job the plane is to give it until October this year and then decide but it is looking happy birthday small things buy Amanda and hoping the next year is just as exiting and thank you to all of you who have supported me over the last year.

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